Digital Electronics: Sequential Logic Complete Guide
Chapter 1: Flip-Flops
1.1 Types of Flip-Flops
Type | Characteristic Table | Equation |
SR Flip-Flop |
S | R | Q(t+1) 0 | 0 | Q(t) 0 | 1 | 0 1 | 0 | 1 1 | 1 | X |
Q(t+1) = S + R'Q(t) |
1.2 Triggering Mechanisms
[Clock Signal Diagram - Positive Edge Triggering]
- Level Triggered: Active during entire clock pulse
- Edge Triggered: Active only during clock transition
Chapter 2: Sequential Circuit Analysis
2.1 State Transition Diagrams
[State Diagram Example: 3-bit Counter]
2.2 Mealy vs Moore Machines
Aspect | Mealy Machine | Moore Machine |
Output Dependency | Inputs + State | State Only |
Chapter 3: Sequential Circuit Design
3.1 State Reduction Techniques
State Reduction Algorithm:
1. Create implication table
2. Mark non-equivalent pairs
3. Merge equivalent states
3.2 Excitation Tables
FF Type | Excitation Table |
JK Flip-Flop |
Q(t) | Q(t+1) | J | K 0 | 0 | 0 | X 0 | 1 | 1 | X 1 | 0 | X | 1 1 | 1 | X | 0 |
Chapter 4: Asynchronous Sequential Logic
4.1 Fundamental Mode Operation
- Single input change at a time
- Stable state requirements
4.2 Hazards and Race Conditions
Critical Race: Leads to unpredictable final state
Non-Critical Race: Ends in predictable state
Non-Critical Race: Ends in predictable state
Practice Exercises
Problem 1:
Design a sequence detector for pattern 1101 using D flip-flops
Hint: Use state diagram with minimum states
Appendix: Quick Reference
Term | Definition |
Setup Time | Minimum time before clock edge |
Hold Time | Minimum time after clock edge |
Metastability | Unstable state violation |